Thank goodness for the sloughing of my uterine lining and the accompanying hormonal fluctuation that on this particular evening has rendered me completely unsentimental to the perfect gushiness of my romantic relationship.
Finally, I have cleared my cell phone’s inbox of all the adorable text messages that I had previously locked. The hyperbolic compliments and the heartfelt mush that have been accessible little reminders of the magnitude of Kevin’s love for me are no more… and I’m glad! And I believe I will be even when cycle 85 (or so) has ended and I’ve returned to my typical, even-keel nature. It’s stupid to cling to text messages, typed up in a few short moments, as if they are some kind of proof of the way things are.
I’ve actually thought before, that if my phone is ever lost by me and found by a stranger, that stranger could read those locked texts and know that I am loved. (For a similar reason, my mom is called Mum in my contacts. Figure I’ll trick ‘im into thinking I’m British.) But I don’t actually care what the hypothetical stranger thinks; I’ve treasured those texts because they remind me that I’m loved. How ridiculous.
Really, the locked texts that have crowded my inbox for too long probably do more to diminish our relationship in my mind than anything else. I know Kevin loves me. He loves me every day by being patient, forgiving, honest, silly, humble, hard-working, grateful, faithful, encouraging, whatever—and he is going to keep on loving me and he is going to keep on sending me text messages that will speed up my heart. I’ll look forward now to the ones to come, not back. I’ll look forward.
…my phone feels lighter.